Town of Fort Erie Asset Management Plan

 In Peer Review

GM BluePlan was retained to develop an Asset Management Plan that follows the Province’s structure outlined in their Guide for Municipal AM plans and will also address all of the requirements outlined in Ontario Regulation 588/17.

The Asset Management Plan developed for the Town of Fort Erie follows the Province’s structure outlined in the Guide for Municipal AM Plans and addresses the requirements prescribed in Ontario Regulation 588/17.  As part of this project, GMBP analyzed various capital expenditures and asset performance scenarios over a 50-year planning horizon that can now be utilized by the Town to support optimized decision making.  This analysis focused on the following asset classes: Roads, Water, Wastewater, Storm, Bridges & Structures and Facilities.  The final delivery for this project was developed through an iterative task-based work plan. This work plan focused on small successes and the illustration of tangible value to staff throughout the project that included the development of levels of service, software specifications to assist in the execution of the recommended plan and staff engagement strategies to ensure buy-in and successful results.   An Asset Management Policy was also developed as part of this assignment and was presented to council for approval.

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