City of Brantford OSIM Inspections of Municipal Structures

 In Structural Engineering

GMBP was retained by the City to provide structural inspections following OSIM guide lines for 73 bridge, culvert and lookout structures in 2013. In 2015 and 2017, the City subsequently retained GMBP to complete inspections on over 140 municipal assets including vehicle/pedestrian bridges, vehicle/pedestrian culverts, retaining walls, lookout structures, staircases and sign support structures (sign supports inspected in 2015 only). Key highlights include several multi-span vehicle and pedestrian structures across the Grand River of varying structural types (spandrel arch bridge, through truss bridge, half-through-deck-girder bridge, I-girder bridge and prefabricated steel pony truss bridge). Unique challenges to these inspections include:

  • All inspections were to be completed by a P.Eng.
  • Confined Space Entry inspection of a 220 m long culvert
  • Inspection of several structures along the Grand River with the use of a boat
  • Initiation of crack monitoring and wall rotation programs
  • Inspection of several railway overpasses and subways in coordination with Rail Authorities
  • Inspection of several century-old train bridges that have been converted to pedestrian crossings
  • Enhanced OSIM inspections of structures using scissor lifts and articulating boom lifts

GMBP’s deliverables to the City have included individual OSIM reports for each structure, an annual summary report, verification of the City’s excel inventory, and summary tables of recommended capital works, additional investigations and maintenance needs. For each structure, GMBP also provided priority rankings, estimated replacement costs and BCI values. All recommended capital works and additional investigations included capital cost estimates.

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